Do you love Pisa? I do! When I first moved here, I fell in love with Piazza dei Miracoli, Lungarno with La Chiesa della Spina, and beautiful buildings. Pisa is really close to the sea! Did you know that long time ago, Pisa had many channels like Venice? Also, Pisa was a very important Marine Republic!!! Therefore, it was very rich and prosperous!!! In the 10th and 11th Century was an economic powerhouse. I GOT THE POWER!
Pisa participated in the first crusade too with 120 ships to take over Jerusalem. During their travels they conquered many Byzantine islands.
Since Pisa is my new home, and I am an artist, I love to use my artwork to bring awareness and to educate people.
Currently, I am working on an event with other artists to talk about "Violence against women".
The event will take place in the main part of town where everyone can see our work.
Since it it important to invite elementary and middle schools for this day, I designed a beautiful image for a poster to send to the schools.
I thought for weeks and weeks. I doodled every day. Little by little I came up with a great idea.
I thought what could be a cute pet to represent for Pisa? What kind of pet could it be? Well, I thought of the old channels in Pisa. I thought about how close we are to the sea. I said to myself, wait!!! I know! A dolphin!!! You know why I have chosen a dolphin? Because it has the soul of kid. Yes! Just like you!!!! Playful, joyful, and pure! Also dolphins are strong, harmonious, gentle, friendly, and very courageous! Also they represent renewal; something that I consider very important. We can always become better and better!
Pisa participated in the first crusade too with 120 ships to take over Jerusalem. During their travels they conquered many Byzantine islands.
Since Pisa is my new home, and I am an artist, I love to use my artwork to bring awareness and to educate people.
Currently, I am working on an event with other artists to talk about "Violence against women".
The event will take place in the main part of town where everyone can see our work.
Since it it important to invite elementary and middle schools for this day, I designed a beautiful image for a poster to send to the schools.
I thought for weeks and weeks. I doodled every day. Little by little I came up with a great idea.
I thought what could be a cute pet to represent for Pisa? What kind of pet could it be? Well, I thought of the old channels in Pisa. I thought about how close we are to the sea. I said to myself, wait!!! I know! A dolphin!!! You know why I have chosen a dolphin? Because it has the soul of kid. Yes! Just like you!!!! Playful, joyful, and pure! Also dolphins are strong, harmonious, gentle, friendly, and very courageous! Also they represent renewal; something that I consider very important. We can always become better and better!